Patient Resources //
The Florida Wellcare Alliance recognizes and supports the growing trend to provide medically accurate health information and educational services online. An increasing number of patients are turning to the Internet as a resource tool in researching and self-educating themselves about their medical conditions and the choices in treatment that are available to them. Quality information enables patients to take a more active role in their own health care, therefore, it is of the utmost importance that information provided to the patient be medically accurate, current and credible.
Florida Wellcare Alliance is dedicated to providing information that not only meets, but exceeds current quality standards. Our articles are written and/or reviewed by physicians in the Alliance. Publications, links and other communications found on this site are provided for general information purposes only. They are not intended as a substitute for medical advice and/or consultation with a physician or health care provider. Please consult your physician for matters relating to your personal health.
Information for Seniors //
Useful Links //
MedlinePlus presents interactive health tutorials from
the Patient Education Institute. Learn about the
symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for a variety of
diseases and conditions. Also learn about surgeries,
prevention and wellness. Each tutorial includes
animated graphics, audio and easy to read language.
Click link below.
Medline Plus Interactive Tutorials
What is Peer Review?
The Florida Wellcare Alliance is an organization of Medical Doctors who subject themselves to annual evaluations of their practices by their colleagues. The Doctors evaluate each other based on performance, insurance claims history, feedback from shared patients and personal knowledge. Reviewing physicians must respond to the question "Would I refer a family member to this physician for treatment?".

This peer review is an important factor in our Alliance. It serves as a quality check on all members' performances. It enables them to receive constructive reviews to better themselves and their practices annually. Patients can have confidence in Wellcare Alliance physicians knowing that their practices are reviewed by other physician colleagues.