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Medicare Scam Calls - How to not be a victim


We have all had them before, the call that comes in and sounds like a robot is talking to you on the other end of the phone. This is what they refer to as a “Robo-Call” – A call initiated by a software program and then later transferred to a real person once they know they have your attention. Scammers are getting smarter and sneakier every day, and unfortunately our busy lives leaves very little time to stop and think about what we are doing and who we are giving our information to.

The FCC just issued an alert for Senior Citizens on Medicare to be careful of scammers trying to trick you into giving them personal information. The phone call starts out by them introducing themselves as a representative of Medicare, and then asks for your Medicare Card number for verification. Medicare reps will never call you at home to ask you for Identifying information.

Unfortunately, these scam calls are becoming so increasingly legitimate sounding, that sometimes it is hard to not think this could be a real thing.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when answering the phone and being asked for any kind of information:

· Medicare will never call and ask for your Medicare Number

· If Medicare needs information they will first reach out with a written statement mailed to you.

· If they ask for Social Security Number or any Credit card information, hang up immediately

· Remember that you are in control. If you have doubts about the phone call hang up and call Medicare yourself.

Please view the linked page from FCC for further information, and please be safe.


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